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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  October 29, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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i like that. that is it for the cost of freedom watch today. have a great weekend. we'll see you soon. >> hello, everybody. i am uma in washington. a fox news alert. a suicide bomber ran into a native convoy and killed 13 nato troops. the taliban is claiming responsibility and they are there with the latest. conner. >> uma, today was the single deadliest day for the troops. the taliban did claim responsibility for today's attack. largest was here in kabul killing 13 american troops and
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afghans and one police officer. this is an area of kabul that is nicest and newest roads and a lot of investment and american university and parl amount is there. and where the taliban launched several attacks against american convoys. this type of an attack is very, very familiar to american troops. we have seen several cases where a vehicle with explosives and bombs ran into american convoys and killing american troops. kabul has been handed over to afghan for security. and it is today's attack demonstrates they don't have full security of the kabul let alone all of afghanistan. the afghans will ultimately be responsible for all of the security here in kabul and across the country. as u.s. troops begin to pull out of afghanistan you will see
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fewer american deaths. >> sad day for our troops. thank you for the update from afghanistan. it is not even hal weep and 12 states on the east coast are diveeling with an early winter with several inches of snow falling. and a foot of heavyweight snow expected in some places. we'll get to our chief meteorologist with the latest. >> heavy and wet. there is a lot of leaves on the trees because it hasn't been fall ret. we have pink with the winter storm warnings. 12 states under the winter storm warnings. take a look at what it looks like in woodland, pennsylvania.
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send me picturos twitter or facebook so we can get a good idea of what is going on out there. accumulating snow and people not believing that we are dealing with that but we are. it is a record-breaking storm and snowfall in the cities that will break records and certainly interior sections talking about snow and rain in places like dc right on the edge of rain and snow . same with philadelphia and new york city transitioned to snow. it has been raining this morning. can you see the snow creeping through jers yenew york city and parts of long island. by the time it is all said and done we'll see significant accumulations. it is a classic nor'easter and wind on top . very heavy snow and cause the tree to topple and power lines go down. we'll see this. tomorrow morning new england and tomorrow afternoon it is gone and uma we'll see sunshine.
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and beginning to melt off. by monday, a lot of this will be gone. tonight and tomorrow, rough one for us, uma. >> last measured snowfall in new york city for snow at this point was back in '52? >> yeah, it is only happened in three times. highest was point 8 inches . this will likely with two or three in new york city. >> thank you, rick very much. lthe flip flop on global warming to tea party and unconventionam political attack ads. thingings are heating occupant campaign trail this weekend. doug is sorting it all out. >> one republican presidential candidate accused of flip flopping and another urged to drop out. starting with former massachusetts governor mitt romney who is campaign nothing
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new hampshire. he is polling well but lost his top spot to herman cain. perry accused mitt romney of flip flopping on everything from handguns and global warming. romney told the crowd he is not sure what caused it. >> my view is we don't know what is causing climate change on the planet and the idea of spending trillions to reduce co2 emissions is not the right course for us. >> his campaign said he said that before. and news from the michele bachmann campaign which is struggling in recent weekings. one major tea party activist said she went too far in trying to coopt the tea party movement. ned ryan was blunt saying it is time for michele bachmann to go. i cautioned about the dangers and individuals trying to present themselves as leaders of
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the tea party movement and michele bachmann shot back saying this is an effort to boost rick perry's campaign. this came from a perry supporter. i am the tea party candidate and have been since i came to congress. for its part perry campaign said it had nothing to do with the attack and learned about it from the media. after an early surge, bachmann is now in the single digits. uma. >> thank you for the update and herman cain's unconventional campaign is showing real political muscle. our news poll shows cain leading the pact with 24 percent of the vote. he received attention and donations from the unconventional ad campaign. and the question is can he keep that momentum going and hold on to the front runner status in the caucuss and primaries. joining us is franklin. >> thanks for joining us today. great to have you here. >> pleasure to be here.
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cain hasn't spent much time in the early primary states. he will nolt say stupid people run america and embraces off the campaign videos. and can that be presidential. >> unconventional is why he's doing so well. the american people in general and republicans in general don't like what is happening in washington and don't appreciate what the president has done and looking for a approach that is not political and straightforward. and what they are looking for someone who says what they mean and means what they say and herman cain comes across that way. >> he's not doing anything to gaining ground and muzzling in iowa and seen in diners shaking hard and kissing babis and in focus groups he's down to earth. why is that happening at a rapid pace? >> okay. i think we lost frank for a
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moment. hopefully we'll get him back and we'll move on with the show a certainly talk more about herman cain. rick perry's first sunday show since the interview for running for president will go to chris wallace. we ask you to check your local listings for the time and channel. for you to have that is unacceptable. >> no one takes the death of ages more serious than i? >> as you can see tensions are heating up on capitol hill between homeland security chief janet napolitano and congressman jason chaffetwhere. she said she did not discuss the gun operation with eric holder. holder will testify later this year. peter doocy has more on the story. >> earlier this week not only
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was no communication with the department of homeland security about fast and furious. but no communication with the head of thitate department either until it was too late. >> the part of the state department that would deal with this kind of an issue, we have no record of any request for coordination and we have no record of notice or heads up. and you know, my recollection is that i learned about it from the press. >> attorney general eric holder will testify before congress on december 8th. eight republican members was congress asked him to tep down including joe walsh. i ask that the attorney general resign and take responsibility for implicating the united states as an accessory to the violent crime on the mexican cartel and the role he played in the cover up operation.
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i would ask that president obama dismiss him. president obama did not say he would dismiss holder but in fact, he backed him up. >> he is assigned an inspector general to look into how this happened and i have complete confidence in him and the process to figure out who in fact was responsible for that decision and how it got made. >> aholder's testimony. lamar smith is asking president obama to appoint a special counsel to come in and figure out if he lied to congress. >> they are calling his rescue a miracle. a 8 year old autistic boy was found. robert wood wandered away from his family as they were hike nothing hanover park. >> looking at his smiles when he saw his family is reassuring.
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it is hard to predict what happened in the future. we got him and he is awake and alert and doing what we can to help him. >> lots of voluntary searchers - combed the area. >> despite of the wintery weather mix here in washington today. the white house is going ahead with the good time for the children. they are invited to top by 1600 pennsylvania avenue for trick-or-treating fun. the marine family will welcome them up the drive. lots of goodies including a box of white house m&ms. >> there say change of heart. lifting the ban on halloween costumes for students. >> i was upset. i think they are too young and not fair to take it away them. >> he goes on to explain that
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the parties and celebrations were planned without his knowledge and anyway, as the battle continues, opportunitis and parents at the school said they are very, very proud of their victory. >> and we want to hear from you. should halloween parties and costumes be allowed in the school or not. tweet your answers to hurricane uma and i will read your responses later in this hour. now, let's check back in with frank. sorry about the technical difficulties there for a moment. >> got to love live television. >> sure do. i know you are a veteran and you are not rattled by this. long-time power brokers and pundits said cain is a one hit oner. because americans are feeling so angry with washington for failed promises, is the message as cain put its more powerful than money in this election? >> lookats this way.
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he's come into first place in national polls without the money and without the organization and without shaking hand and meeting voters on a foyce to face basis. that means the message and messenger are powerful. we are now only 64 days away from the very first vote and with cain doing this well, it is impressive. >> what about the impact on rick perry who may opt out of the debates. is cain's popularity forcing the rivals to regroup? >> if i were a strategist for rick perry it is a big mistake. the candidates and moderates will point it out . if you can't debate republicans, how can you debate barack obama f. i could send a message through the camera. this is a fundmental error. republicans want to hear what you say and say it and want to know that you have the capability of standing toe to toe with bark obama come october
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of 2012. that is a strength of mitt romney and gingrich. they have tremendous debate and getting better over time in terms of the subitance and not just the style . both of them, to them it is the world series every single day. >> you are saying that if perry decides not to take part in the debate its is a mistake and what about the flat tax plan this week. is it enough for him to make up for lost ground and like a doe or die moment? >> it is an important moment for him it is clear tt depov gov perry is on the side of significant tax reform which is what republicans want to hear and clear that perry has the substance behind the communication. there is tremendous detail. i don't understand why with a great economic proposal why would he not want to communicate it with the debates where 5.6
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million people watch every time. >> we'll be checking back with you throughout the campaign and looking forward to an exciting campaign in the days ahead. appreciate it >> i am praying for some rest. >> we hope you get some at some point. it will probably be months from now. >> excitingen of the world series with baseball saying this is an unforgetible ones that fans live for. governor perry's rangers came out on the short end. find out what lone star specialits he will send to the missouri's governor mansion. and could the u.s. be in for another credit downgrade. that very scary thought accident next. -- next. [ male announcer ] want to achieve more with your money?
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>> it is just seven games and the st. louis cardinals are world series champs. beating the texas rangers 6-2 . huge crowds stremed out of busch stadium. perry made a bet with governor nixon. he owes him barbecue from
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saltlick traunt in texas . antiwall street protestors. they will return. and judge dismissed a arrest warrant. and protestors were not begin enough time to comply. >> no deal yet from the center committee. that is a scary possibility. great to see you. >> great to be with you. and 401 k's are in better shape . the economy had bigger problems. should americans be worried about another credit downgrade with what is going on in the market. >> over the last three years.
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we borrowed four trillion in the federal level. we just ended fiscal year 2011 with 1.3 trillion dollars in debt. the so-called super comttee does. can they come up with spending cuts over the next 10 years to reduce the deficit? it is really important and proved that we are capable of dealing with the debt crisis. if they can't cut it. and this is the low hanging fruit. i think we are in trouble. >> and specifically knowing that they are still rangling and there is a few weeks left to decide. i bet they come up with something.
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and you know 40 or 50 percent of the budget is social security and medicaid. they have got to make reforms . i hope they come up with proposal to bring the tax holds down and get rid of the loop holes. there is a decent chance we might get something good out of the committee in that regard. if we want to bring the debt down we have to get the economy growing again. and the u.s. tax system is an tross. and what does it mean if there is not a break. >> the technical term is sequester . that means automatic across the board cut in domestic and defense spending to reach that trillion in savingings. if the democrats don't come to
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the table with propotesal to cut entitlement programs, only thing to do is allow the sequester to take place and it will be deep cuts and a lot of republican friends say it would be tough to national security. but what alternative do we have? we can't go to bankruptcy? >> what about greece. the fact that greece is bailed out. should americans look at the situation as one that we are able to beat this challenge and should there be other countries we worry like italy? >> how about our own country and concerned about how it affects the economy. >> there is a danger of the fact that greece has been bailed out and investors took a big cut in the bonds that they bought and that could hit countries like spain and italy and portugal . for americans, this is like
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learning this is what happens when entitlements get out of control and borrow a trillion year after year . you get a melt down in the economy. and that's why it is so significant that we get the debt under control with real spending reforms quickly. or else we'll not be in greece but we are head in that direction and start a us turn back to fiscal penalty. >> no doubt about that. stakes remain high. thank you for joining us. >> have a great halloween. >> trick-or-treat. >> could moammar qaddafi's son face the same fate as his father. libya may not be assome hoped. >> and sugar land making a tribute. we will celebrate each other. tonight . we'll tell you more about their
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>> a suicide bomber killed trops in afghanistan today. we have the rest of the your top stories making news. >>uma, a suicide bomber killed 13 nato troops all americans and four afghans in downtown kabul today. there was a thousand pounds of explosives in a truck into a armored nato bus. the taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. an israeli prison grable was in new york.
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in october. no may have some uttering bahhumbug. 10 inches is expected in the northeast. some areas like vermont could receive a foot. and band sugarland will host a free concert in indianapolis it is an emotional tribute to those who lost their lives in the august stage collapse. the band claims that the event deeply affected the whole band. back to you. >> nice that sugarland is back on the concert stage and welcoming the fans. i know it is it an emotional moment for them. two dozen libyan rebels are flown to germany and u.s. for medical attention today. there is new speculation over with qaddafi's son saif al-islal is considering to turn himself in. david has those details. >> hi, uma, international
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criminal court said it had inform indirect conversation with saif al-islam. he prefers to face war crime charges in the hague rather than libyan justice at this time. and we believe that saif-al islam is in neighboring nigeria. and also today, the first u.s. flight has come in now to tripoli to take injured revoluionary fighters back to the state to get specialized help they need. >> this u.s. air force flew in tripoli's main airport to bring back to boston 24 injured. it is specially equipped for the patients for a safe travel to the u.s.. this is the first humanitarian mission they have conducted in libya. and another flight will take fighters to germany.
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secretary of state hillary clinton promised to help when she visited the warriors. they can't receive treatment they need in libya. they require specialist treatment . libya selected which could travel. some expressed concern about the selection process. tens of thousands of libyans are believed to be injurein the eight month civil war. libyan government will pay for all medical treatment in the u.s.. >> it is a symbol of the continuing united states commitment to libyan people and new partnership now that the regime of qaddafi has fallen. the u.s. ambassador to libya said he's hopeful that the relationship between these two countries can improve considerably in the coming years. back to you, uma. >> thank you. >> libya is the latest middle
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east country that will have a new government. but there are concerns that sharia law will be used as basis of the new laws. joining us is the analyst. thank you for joining us. >> sure. >> talk for the concern. in libya, the president and transitional government and other members of that government are publicly saying that sharia law is going to be part of the agenda as they move forward in setting up the new government? >> the president of the tmc said clearly the celebration of the end . qaddafi regime no law shall be above sharia law. and he said that libya is going to head depradually to be an islamic state. other members of the council said the same. the real force that controls neighborhood and villages are islamic. and even though gradually libya will be an islamic state.
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>> be careful what you wish for? there were many critics that said we don't know who these rebels are and the united states and other nato allies are backing these rebels without fully understanding what direction they would like to take the country n and what are the implications for this? >> we had an earlier problem with the arab spring that we did not predict the arab spring. they did not predict that this is happening and they are rising up against the authority. we don't know who these forces are. when they forces became clear that the islamic forces defeating the secular in ei didn't want and tunisia and libya. what is to do about them? we are behind the curve. >> you can see what is happening in egypt for example. there is an amazing video of the riots taking place there and people going after the coptic christians and there is so much
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that is happening that is unsettled and people are saying, you talk about the arab spring and many people viewed it as a move toward democracy and really that is not what is going on. and how do we know they will move in that direction not only ei didn't want and other nations. we know it is not happening in libya. >> it is what happened in world war ii. europeans celebrated the down fall of nazism but they fellund issue the soviet regime for many decades and the early tages in libya and egypt and tunisia. it is minorities and the islamic networks are smart and organized and in a state of the partnership with us, they grabbed the revolts and create the conditions for a islamic state which is exclusive of the other partners and the coptics
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in egypt has been harassed even under the arab spring which is of a great concern. >> are you worried about what lies ahead in terms of the future with the relationship. they are poised to be enemies against the west. >> it is too early to say enemies. they are going to take time to firm up their policy. but the problem is in washington, we need to have a direction in foreign policy that matches what is happening in the region. we are celebrating the arab spring and it is hijacked by the islamics . they are not going to see eye to eye with us and with regard to the irab-israeli conflict and most importantly with their own people. they will exclude secular and minorits and that is not the arab spring. >> can you spell out sharia law for us in the few moments we have left. >> it is a religious legal system here in the west we have
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not accepted that system. and egypt and tunisia and libya will move under that legal system where by no other secular religion will be accepted or political party can change that legal system. that is the problem with democracy. and it looks ominous. thank you for joining us with the insight. >> qantas airways grounded its fleet. bookings are disrupted by union members telling passengers to book with other airlines. planes were stopped and cancelled. the government called an emergency arbitration to rule on the strike and terminate the strike. a marijuana controversy brew nothing california. they are suing eric holder. casey segal is in la with the latest. >> hi, uma, good to see you.
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this is the 17 page lawsuit that surface in federal court this week and it does specifically name u.s. attorney general eric holder and another u.s. attorney from the northern district of california and it was file by a group known for americans for safe acess. it is thest in the country. the suit alleges that the feds are trying to overturn exist local laws when it comes to medical marijuana. they voted to legalize the drug for medicinal use despite the fact that it is illegal under federal law. the attorney for the group believes it is a 10th amendment right issue. >> it is complicated and the federal government allowed to enforce its laws on medical marijuana. it cannot script the state to
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fight the war when the state doesn't want to fight that war. >> the california attorney general releasing a statement and i am quoting here. there are definite ambiguities in state law that must be resolve would either by the state legislature or the courts, an overly broad federal enforcement campaign will make it more difficult for leget mate patients to acess physician-recommended medicine in california. but the department of justice said it is not worried so much about the leget mate patients, but people getting a prescription and using pot for recreational purposes. there is also a great concern about the drug getting into the hands of children. >> this is not an idle threat. this is our commitment to the concerned parents and citizens in our communitis and fulfillment of the oath that we have take tone enforce the laws of the united states. >> now the u.s. attorney's
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office will not tell us just how many of the medical marijuana dispensaries that closed their doors in the wake of the crack down. they refuse to comment and saying they can't talk about ongoing litigation. uma. >> thank you very much. >> it is a major problem. prescription drug abuse and a nationwide campaign it is hoping to protect the youngest victims. those details are next. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪
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these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. >> welcome back everybody. people are encouraged to turn in expired or used medications today it is part of an effort to curb the prescription drug use. there is a heart breaking story of the youngest addicts. >> they shake and cry not because they need milk but morphone. they are fighting withdrawal because their mother could not fight the urge to get high.
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in the hospital in st. petersburg hospital. 30 percent of the babies were born addicted. >> i think it is much worse than the crack cocaine babies. we didn't have to treat crack cocaine addiction. so far 136 drug addicted babies. each one a matter of the life or death. >> if not treated it is possible they would die. >> epidemic of oxi tox is so bad florida's attorney general asked the legislature to create a tax force to deal with it >> we have to come up with numbers and plan. >> it is a tragic symptom of a problem in america. crack cocaine and heroin as drug of choice. >> it is the most serious public safety problem weigh face. >> drugs come from pharmacy
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robberies and florida had no problem to monitor prescription drugs and bogus pain clinics and pill mills that draw acts. >> they are buying them for a dollar a pill and turn them and sell them for $1divide or entrepreneur take it to kentucky and sell for $30 a mill. law enforcements is cracking down. we rode along with thinar catics team and shadowed patients as they came out. >> this woman tried to get a prescription filled and was turned down. when police stopped her, they found other drugs and arrested her. >> she's 24 years old and it is a mess. >> you see so much of it here. >> we see it daily. this is what we do. >> and busts like this are a drop in a very big ocean. police admit they haven't made a
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dent in the overall problem. they are hopeful the new monitor law will help but say there are problems. it doesn't require the database to be checked before they fill a prescription . they have seven days to report a action. the attorney general is willing to fix it. >> we'll do everything we can to make it the toughest state in the country on pill mills. we have been the worst. >> law enforcement can't do it all. education is key said dr. mccarty because the drugs are not necessarily illicit, doesn't mean they are not deadly. >> there are physicians that prescribe the drugs and tell moms everything is fine. your baby will not have problems. >> attorney general holder announced a maj take down. dea arrested two people including five doctors and two
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pharmacist and shut down a pharmacy in tamp a. there are a dozens more that continue to operate. >> john, thank you. they have been on the street for weeks and now occupy wall street protestors are giving a watched media outlet a big bump. that's next. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it. [ junior ] ge engineers found ways to cut my energy use. [ cheryl ] more efficient lighting helps junior stay open later... [ junior ] and serve more customers. so you're not just getting financial capital... [ cheryl ] you're also getting human capital. not just money. knowledge. [ junior ] ge capital. they're not just bankers... we're builders. [ junior ] ...and they've helped build my business. this is not how witness protection works! when we set you up with that little hardware store we didn't intend for your face to be everywhere. but fedex office makes it so easy. not only do they ship stuff,
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>> welcome back. no, this is not a shost what we can expect in december. this is happening right now. the winter snow storm is moving up the east coast. dc area and mostly rain and parts of maryland suburbs received snow. parts of new england are expecting to receive the largest amount of snow, roughlily 6-7 inch northeast expecting 10 inches to fall throughout the region. snow fall nothing new york city and last time they had any recorded snowfall when they took measurements was 1952 back in october. that's how rare it is. and occupy protest, new program called democracy now is getting attention. liza is joining us to explain. hi, liz. >> good morning or afternoon, uma.
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democracy now so-called independent grass roots network is called has been around 15 years . the star of the show is stern prim lefty by the name of amy goodman. and has been particularly under the microscope since the occupy protest which they have fallen in love with, of course. but amy goodman and her compatriots are charging that main stream media. libial main stream media is not getting their story right. this was said in an interview with charlie rose last week. let's hear amy goodman from democracy now. >> i think the mainstream media has been revealed in the last five weeks as nothing main stream anymore. if you look at polls now. most americans actually support the occupy wall street movements
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all over the country. >> well, we can't call her wrong on that. the polls have shown support for the occupy movements. but what is amazing she's giving a lash to the mainstream media which is the libya main stream media is say ing they are not liberal enough. when you look at it from amy goodman's point of view it is true. they are on an hour every night in new york. check your local guide for times and station . they claim to be a 950 stations in the country and they don't carry ads or have ratings . they run by contributions from individuals. one can imagine what that lefty list looks like. and their subjects are interesting but predictable and the oakland and new york
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protest. protestors was all kinds . activists from egypt who admit on the air who want a hand out they admit. and old-time vietnam war veterans and iraqi vets against the war, you name it. they are all there for an hour every day. look for the program if you want to be entertained. and there is a promise to be a lot more and delve deeper and support even more what we now know as the nationwide occupy protest movement. >> there you go, liz. be interesting to see what the winter weather does to those camping out. >> good point. i got up this morn looked out of the window and wonder how many are left in >> thank you, liz as always. >> well, we asked and you answered. your thoughts on banning halloween parties in america's schools, next
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>> welcome back, we've been asking you in light of recent school bans, should halloween costumes be allowed in school? jason writes, yes, they should be allowed. robbing children of traditions in the name of political correctness is outrageous. cameron says, why should they they dress up at night and why do they do it during the day. school is for learning. one of the responses we got into the news room today.


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